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Is it OK to Shower After Applying Sealant?

It’s a question that’s been debated by homeowners for years: can you shower after applying the sealant to your bathroom? On one hand, showering is a way of forcing the sealants deeper into the gaps and crevices of your shower base and bench. But on the other hand, if you shower too vigorously, that could wash away all those microorganisms we want sealing formulations to get rid of in the first place.

The Protection Of Shower Sealing

Shower sealant is a specialized coating that’s applied to shower bases and benches to protect them from water and moisture damage. It forms a barrier that prevents the formation of mold, mildew, and other harmful microorganisms. In addition, shower sealant can help prevent the build-up of soap scum and calcium deposits, making your shower easier to clean.

Shower sealing is not only a protection from water damage, but it can also help keep the shower looking new for a longer time. Sealing your shower with a waterproof sealant can help keep the grout and tiles looking new for years. Not only does this protect your shower from water damage, it can also help prevent mold and mildew from growing.

The Different Types Of Sealants

Sealants come in many different types, there are silicone-based sealants, acrylic-based sealants, and latex-based sealants. Acrylic and latex sealants are water-based, while silicone sealants are oil-based. All of these types have different drying times, so be sure to read the directions carefully.

Most shower sealants need to be applied in two. Some sealants need to be applied with a brush, while others can be sprayed on.

Sealing your shower is a simple process that can be done You ou need is a sealant, a brush (or sprayer), and some gloves. Make sure the area you’re going to seal is clean and free of dirt, dust, and grease.

When To Shower After Sealant Application

The drying time for a sealant can vary depending on the type of sealant you use, so it’s important for you to understand and follow the instructions. Most sealants need at least 2 hours to dry, but some can take up to 12 hours. If you shower too soon, the sealant may not be fully dry and it could start to come off. Make sure you give the sealant enough time to dry before getting wet.

So, is it safe to shower after applying sealant? The answer is yes – as long as you give the sealant enough time to dry completely. Most sealants take around 2 hours to cure, so wait at least that long before showering. Keep in mind that if your sealant says not to get wet for a certain number of hours, you should follow those instructions to avoid any damage.

If you’re not sure how to seal your shower, Budget Seal offers shower waterproofing service to ease your mind and get the job done for quality guaranteed result, and long-lasting solution. Call us at 1300 907 104 or visit our contact us page to write to us.


  • Leaking Shower Fixed
  • Unsealed Balcony Sealed
  • Mouldy Silicone Replaced
  • Cracked/Missing Grout Filled
  • Emergency Quick Response


  • Fast Repairs
  • Resealing It All
  • Cracked Tile-Score Filled
  • Tired Mouldy looking shower...
  • fresh clean new

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